Lauree Bangs

Lauree Bangs joined Stikeman Elliott as Office Administrator in 2012, after a lengthy career in law office management where she held administrative management roles in Finance, Human Resources, Operations, Business Processes and Technology for more than one local Ottawa firm. She also brings with her a vast experience in public relations and project management, having served as Production Coordinator with the highly-acclaimed travelling entertainment company Cirque du Soleil for a period of 5 years. Her current role as administrator of the Ottawa office draws upon all areas of her expertise, as well as her work ethic and creative approach to management and administrative needs.

Lauree is a member of the Ottawa Legal Managers Association where she currently occupies the secretary position on the board of directors. Over the years she has served on committees of a number of non-profit and community organizations, with a particular interest in those that provide active support through sponsorship of running events and community interaction.

Lauree is a graduate of Carleton University.


Director of Administration  
Merovitz Potechin LLP
